Thursday, September 07, 2006

Childrens Wisdom 1

Children’s Wisdom - Difficult Situations From The Author’s Wife
It is an educational experience to watch little children and listen to their words. They are so natural before they are molded by the adult world. This little booklet will feature children’s sayings and actions which the author has collected over the years from parents and grandparents. As parents you may remember some of your children’s sayings which both amused you and impressed you with their wisdom and clarity. When our son Fred was about three years old, he had a winter virus infection. It was very difficult to get him to take his baby aspirin to reduce his fever. In exasperation his mother asked him: “ Are you going to take your medicine or will I have to take you to the docter and get a shot? Just tell me Yes or No.” He hesitated while thinking and came out with the answer: “YO” This brought both a smile and a bit of admiration from his parents as he had coined a new word. He chewed the hated aspirin while we watched. There are many “YO situations” in life. You can’t really give an enthusiastic Yes and for some good reasons you dare not say no. With a required effort you grit your teeth and do what is necessary. How many of these did you have in your life? How many did you experience this past year? You probably can face those in the coming year with a little inner smile and a firm Yo. You go ahead and do what you have to do in a less distasteful way. You know also that facing the tough decisions makes it a little easier when a new one arrives. You can also remember that in the total list that there are many yes experiences which bring real joy and add to our happiness. For most of us the yes experiences outnumber the “Yo experiences”. The rose garden is not without thorns, the wheat is not without weeds, the joys are not without the sorrows, the green pastures have their dark valleys. The most difficult situation for our son was the visit to the doctor because it always meant a shot. You would really have to take him up in arms as he kicked and yelled. He didn’t cooperate in the doctor’s office. He was his “bullheaded self.” In desperation one time I offered him a bargain: “If you are brave and are nice in the Doctor’s office. I will buy you a toy when it’s over”. This worked beautifully. Sometimes “YO” situations need a little special yes.


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